A revolutionary new immune support drink
7 Major Signs You Have a Weak Immune System
Constant cold and cough >
Getting infections often >
Designed by Freepik
Prone to allergies >
Wounds heal slowly >
< Getting stressed too often
< Feeling sluggish & tired always
< Constant gut issues: diarrhoea, bloating, constipation
How ImmunoMax works?
Targeting 3 key areas to strengthen and support your immune system
To win a battle (Sickness), we need to have strong defensive camp (Optimal Gut Environment), great commanders (Immunomodulator- Wellmune) together with well trained soldiers (Immune Cells).
(Strong Defensive Camp)
Gut Homeostasis
Promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and decreases the number of harmful bacteria. Supports gut lining integrity. Promotes overall digestive comfort and enhances the nutrient absorption.
With a strong defensive camp, less invaders (bacteria and viruses) can successfully raid into. Hence, we are less likely to get sick.
(Innate Immune Cells)
Good Commander | Strong Soldier
This allows a more efficient reaction when a pathogen is detected, even towards pathogens that the body never encountered before.
Immunoglobulins provides a key bioactive components to identify, attack and neutralize bacteria and viruses. Helps the body to fight off infection and sickness.
Naturally, immunity is a natural physician that fends off all invading bacteria and viruses.
― Ehsan Sehgal
How does IMMUNOMAX helps across all ages?
(aged 1 and above)
Supports the immune system
Improves gut maturation
Protects against gastrointestinal infections (diarrhea, food poisoning)
Provides nutritional balance
Prevents allergic issues (eczema, food/skin allergy, allergic rhinitis and asthma)
Supports the immune system
Promotes general healthy growth
Promotes muscular skeletal growth capabilities
Supports intestinal integrity and improves nutrient absorption
Helps relieve occasional digestive upsets.
Provides an added source of nutrition to support child’s immune defenses as they grow
Supports child’s respiratory health
Strengthens immunity
Regulates blood sugar level
Builds lean muscle mass and metabolizes fat
Maintains bowel regularity
Assists in digestion and nutrient absorption
Helps relieve occasional digestive upsets
Speeds up recovery processes and wound healing
Protects against the harmful effects of stress
Promotes healthy energy levels and mental clarity
Promotes bone health
Helps to resist infection
Strengthens mother’s own immunity
Rich in nutrients
Helps to alleviate discomfort symptoms during pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting
Helps to speed up wound healing after giving birth
Supplements mother’s physical energy & nutrients required
Improves breast milk quality & milk level.
Passes to the baby through breastfeeding to ensure complete growth development & strengthen baby’s immune system naturally.
Premium synergistic ingredients of ImmunoMax
"Optimize your immunity, Enhance your wellness"
Rich in immunoglobulins, immune factors, growth factors, macronutrients and micronutrients.
PostBiotic: A proprietary baker’s yeast beta 1,3/1,6 glucan
As an immunomodulator; facilitate innate immune training to support immune health
Inulin and Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)
​BB-12® and L. CASEI 431®
Prebiotics + Probiotics
Want to know more?
The Research behind Wellmune® ? Please click here.
How Wellmune® work to support the immune system? Please click here.
Want to know more?
To find out the science of ColostrumOne
Please click here.
- origin from USA
- origin from USA
- origin from Denmark
Consumption Guide
Tear open the sachets and direct consume immediately in one-go.
You may mix with your flavoured drink.
1. For general immune/ digestive health support
Children of 1 – 12 years, take one sachet daily
Teenagers/adults 12 years and above, take one to two sachets daily
2. For diarrhea relief
Mild diarrhea (3-5 watery stools per day)
- Children: Take 1 sachet per day;
- Adult: Take 3 sachets at one time per day
Moderate diarrhea (6-9 watery stools per day)
- Children: Take 1 sachet at one time. Take additional sachets as needed, up to 3 sachets per day
- Adult: Take 3 sachets at one time. Take additional sachets as needed, up to 9 sachets per day
Frequent Asked Question (FAQ)
1. Is ImmunoMax safe for children?
Yes, it is safe for ages one and up.
2. Should ImmunoMax be given to infants?
No, it is not intended for infants (children aged 12 months or less).
3. Does ImmunoMax have any allergens?
It contains colostrum (dairy), which can be allergen for certain sensitive individuals. Therefore should not be used by those with a dairy or milk allergy.
4. Is ImmunoMax safe for lactose intolerant individuals?
It typically contains less lactose than milk and should not cause an issue for lactose intolerance individuals. Because lactose intolerance can be severe in some people, we suggest consulting with your physician if you are severely sensitive to lactose.
5. Is ImmunoMax safe for pregnant or breast-feeding women?
Yes, it is safe to consume.
Want to know more about ImmunoMax?
Download our leaflet to have a look now! (available in English & Chinese language)
English version: click here
Chinese version: click here